Mental Health Awareness and Resilience


When is it?

  • Thursday 6th February from 9.30am – 12.30pm (online)

For more information regarding delivering this training externally to a group, please contact us using the details provided below.

I feel I understand the issues people face better and am more able to recognise the signs someone maybe suffering from poor mental health

Recent Attendee

What will it cover?

This course will provide an overview of a range of mental health issues (from the more common anxiety and depression to less common psychosis) including their prevalence, signs and symptoms, causes and how they can affect people. The course will also help participants to consider how they can support their own mental health and wellbeing and that of others. Participants will be made aware of the importance of challenging stereotypes, myths and stigma surrounding mental health issues and championing inclusion.

This training aims to:

  • Understand what is meant by mental health and wellbeing
  • Increase knowledge and broad understanding of a range of mental health issues and the impact that they can have on individuals and understand some of the most common signs and symptoms of mental health conditions.
  • Develop best practice and improved confidence when engaging with individuals experiencing mental health issues.
  • Increase awareness of the range of services and interventions available for those experiencing mental health issues.
  • Recognise that everyone has a role in promoting inclusion and challenging stigma of mental health issues.

If you would like to know more about our training courses, please contact us at [email protected] or call us on 020 3727 3600.